Visionary Live-Action Case Study + Live-Action Video content

The Challenge

When Bricsys approached us they knew they needed a Live-Action Case Study video to add to their digital marketing collateral:

  • They wanted to clearly differentiate from well-known competitors by showcasing the functionality of their software and demonstrating their unique value proposition
  • They wanted to simplify the complexity of their software into clear, step-by-step takeaways that decision-makers can easily understand
  • Already having plenty of digital collateral on hand, they wanted this story to be told through the voice of their customers

Angelo Wolfram, Bricsys’ Sales Director, ANZ said:

The team did a fantastic job. Excellent.

Great level of engagement and follow through.

Overall, the Bricsys team has enjoyed working with Visionary Digital Studios. [We loved the] collaboration pre and post project

[and the] quality of work.

Visionary Live-Action Case Study

The main video is the Visionary Live-Action Case Study.

Notice how the messaging strategically positions Bricsys ahead of similar competitors, while the cast’s performance is authentic and relatable.

Visionary Social Content Videos

To get the most out of a single shoot day, we also produced 4 shortened videos cuts which can be used as standalone social media content pieces.

Visionary Scene Stills

Along with the videos, we delivered high quality scene stills.

These images can be used throughout Bricsys' marketing programs, giving a visual experience that is consistent with the videos:

Book Your Discovery Call To Learn:  

  • --> We'll show you the B2B Digital Marketing roadmap you need for your business goals, and we'll explain exactly how it will work in your sales process.
  • --> You'll understand the leads and sales generation results you can REALISTICALLY expect from a Visionary Digital Sales solution.
  • --> We'll design 2 - 3 solution options for your business and provide a quote for each.
  • -- > We'll give you the opportunity to start with a small impactful project so you can make sure we walk the walk, before we partner long term.

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